Poster appealing for funds for the Penny a Week Fund

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The Red Cross Penny a Week Fund encouraged people to donate a penny a week to support the Red Cross during the Second World War. This poster is one example of how the Red Cross drummed up support for their campaign to provide aid to people during this difficult time. The donations helped those on the home front with regard to rationing as well as those who were imprisoned in prisoner of war camps abroad.

I chose this object because the British Red Cross has been so inventive in communicating its important message to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. The British Red Cross has been successfully using posters for over 100 years to inspire us to help them give relief to those in need. Their posters have been a tour de force as they are not only striking but impactful as many see them and donate funds or their time to the Red Cross.

When propaganda posters were being posted on walls throughout Europe before and during the Second World War the Red Cross posters called for peace, unity and equality. This desire to promote mutual understanding, friendship, co-operation and lasting peace amongst all peoples is something the British Red Cross continue to do today on social media for example. You see new virtual posters and graphics appear online when natural and manmade crisis arise. These posters are a way of communicating urgent cases of distress and help draw awareness to the need to continue to aid those in need. These posters are therefore not only vital to help raise funds but also inform the public about what is happening day to day around the world and at home.

Audio recording by Dr Amy Williams (Volunteer), Birmingham.
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