Set of League of Red Cross Societies posters: Humanity's Bridge - 'The breath of life', illustrated by a black and white image.

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Set of League of Red Cross Societies posters: Humanity's Bridge - 'The breath of life', illustrated by a black and white image. "Countless human lives have been saved by mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose artificial respiration. It is one of the basic first aid techniques taught by all Red Cross/Red Crescent/Red Lion and Sun Societies and put to use by millions of volunteer first aiders on the highways, in homes, schools and factories, in the cities and villages, wherever crowds gather or accidents are likely to occur. First aid, constantly being up-dated and improved by experts who meet regularly under the sponsorship of the League of Red Cross Societies, is one of the basic links between those who serve and those who suffer, thus forging, through Red Cross HUMANITY'S BRIDGE"
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League of Red Cross Societies

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