Inspecting Officer reports and detachment strength returns for Cheshire 7 Men's VAD

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Folder of annual Inspecting Officer reports and detachment strength returns for Cheshire 7 Men's Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD). The Inspecting Officer reports are dated from 29 May 1935 to 18 May 1938; and the detachment strength returns are dated from 31 Oct 1933 to 31 Oct 1943. Contents of the Inspecting Officer reports include knowledge of first aid, home nursing, sanitation, protection against chemical warfare, transport of wounded, organisation of medical services of the forces, and the bearing of the Geneva Convention 1906 on voluntary aid; qualifications of specialists; efficiency and readiness for service of mobile members; and general remarks. Contents of the detachment strength returns include a names and classifcation of officers, number of probationers, and the registered address of the detachment.

There are also three certificates of efficiency and recommendation for renewal of appointment of detachment officers dated 1 Nov 1940 to 31 Oct 1943.
Collection Type
Level of Current Record
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