Scottish Central Council Branch minutes of council meetings

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Minutes of meetings from 5 January 1915 until 29 December 1915. The volume contains the minutes of Council, Finance Committee, Executive Committee, Voluntary Aid Detachment Committee, Hospital Accommodation and Equipment Committee, Transport Committee, Personnel Committee, Springburn Hospital Committee, Springburn and Woodside Hospital Committee, Hutted Hospital Sub-Committee, Hutted Hospital Construction Committee, Scottish National Red Cross Hospital Construction Committee, Interim Standing Voluntary Aid Detachment Committtee, Scottish National Red Cross Hospital Committee.

Matters discussed included: European War Fund; Springburn Hospital staff wages and uniform; lectures; appeals for funds; assistance to Serbia; collecting boxes; ambulances for British forces; accounts; insurance; Springburn Hospital supplies; English collections in Scotland; army commissions for medical officers; Boy's Brigade; auxiliary hospitals and convalescent homes; St Andrew's Ambulance Association; Balkan Fund; Australian subscriptions; advertising; Motor Ambulance Unit, Rouen; Rouen hospital; motor ambulance launches; care of blinded soldiers and sailors; Voluntary Aid Detachments; increase in Springburn Hospital accommodation; relationship between St Andrew's Ambulance Association and the Order of St John; Red Cross Sunday; travel expenses; military hospital accommodation; College of Domestic Science; British Farmers' Red Cross Fund; design and construction of a hutted hospital in Glasgow; personnel at Springburn and Woodside Hospitals; peace and war funds; Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society; National Egg Collection; enquiry department for the wounded and missing; hospital ship; aid for the French; hospital equipment; construction of Scottish National Red Cross Hospital; aid for the Dardanelles; French hospital in Paris; Scheme of Selection for General Duty in Military Hospitals; co-ordination of Voluntary Work Organisations; hat badges.
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Level of Current Record
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