Merit badge

Production date

Merit badge with bars for 1935 and 1936. On the reverse is 'No 1712, A.M. Collier.'
Collection Type
Issued between 1914 and 1968. Awarded to members of Voluntary Aid Detachments who obtained the Society’s Proficiency Badges in First Aid, Nursing and one other subject. This badge was also awarded to State Registered Nurses who had obtained the First Aid Proficiency Badge and Proficiency Badges in two subjects other than Nursing. Other Specialists were granted the Merit Badge if they had obtained Proficiency Badges in First Aid and Nursing and a third subject other than the one in which they specialised. Holders of the Merit Badge who had obtained bars to their Proficiency Badges in First Aid, Nursing and another subject were entitled to receive a bar bearing the year date on which the last of the three qualifying examinations were passed.
Catalogue Number
Associated Person and Role
A. Collier

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