Demobilisation Committee

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Papers created by the Demobilisation Committee consisting of correspondence and and the Red Cross and Order of St John Act, 1918.
Collection Type
Level of Current Record
In June 1917 the Joint War Committee appointed a Demobilisation Committee under the Chairmanship of Sir John Hewett, the report of which formed the basis of the eventual scheme of demobilisation. On 22 September 1918 the Joint War Finance Committee submitted a memorandum to the JWC, containing recommendations regarding the organisation to be set up, and the procedure to be adopted. The JWC accepted the report and passed resolutions dissolving the Demobilisation Committee and appointing a Central Demobilisation Board under the Chairmanship of Sir Aurelian Ridsdale. The Board immediately issued general instructions to the commissioners abroad and to the Lords Lieutenants of counties in England and Wales, the Irish Branch of the JWC, the officials of the county organisation of the British Red Cross Society and the commissioners of The Order of St.John concerning the procedure for winding up activities in each county or county division. The principle adopted was to make the commissioners abroad, the county organisations at home and the various departments at headquarters responsible for the demobilisation of their own work, subject to certain guidelines and to the general control of the Board. From 21 Oct 1919 the Central Demobilisation Board directly controlled demobilisation. By arrangement with the new Joint Council of the OSJ and the BRCS, established for the purpose of continuing the joint work of the two organisations in peacetime, certain departments were transferred to it as from 31 Dec 1919: Auxiliary Hospitals for Officers, Provisional Limbs, Register of Personnel, Central Joint V.A.D. Department, and the War Museum. The Joint Council assumed full responsibility for the administration of these which were financed by the JWC.
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